Archive for March, 2009

Hip Hop!

I’m so excited! I joined a hip hop short course! =) One of our faculty fellows at my dorm set up a one hour dance lesson for us with local hip hop dancer/instructor, Matt Steffanina. It was tons of fun, so I signed up for the short course he teaches at the university and went to my first class yesterday! I was worried it would be a little intimidating and weird, but it was totally fun and relaxed. I did a little street dancing (mostly locking) in a club when I studied abroad in Japan, but I don’t think it’s adding much to my hip hop abilities. Matt is a great teacher and a really talented dancer, and the dances he’s teaching us are really fun and lyrical. Maybe this year when I watch So You Think You Can Dance I won’t feel like such a useless lump!!

Right now I’m trying to start and finish a handful of projects.. I just want them to be done so I can work on my personal projects like websites and stuff! I’ve got two school projects coming up, two art/design-related projects, and a scholarship service project, plus a final project for one class that I need to have a progress report finished for by Monday. Somehow all I can bring myself to do is stretch my muscles, listen to music, and play Alchemy (an online game I’m addicted to). I need to figure out what the roadblocks of each of these problems are and get past them so I can move on!

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